MA programme in climate and society

The twelve-month M.A. Program in Climate and Society trains professionals and academics to understand and cope with the impacts of climate variability and climate change on society and the environment. This rigorous program emphasizes the problems of developing societies.
Columbia is at the forefront of research on climate and climate applications, and is supported by an extensive network of research units and faculty. Drawing on the superb educational and research facilities of Columbia University, the M.A. Program in Climate and Society combines elements of established programs in earth sciences, earth engineering, international relations, political science, sociology, and economics with unique classes in interdisciplinary applications specially designed for the program’s students.

Diploma in disaster risk management

A comprehensive diploma course in disaster risk management is being offered by Preston University in order to develop a pool of professionally trained manpower, which will possess knowledge and skills in this field. The principal aim of this Diploma Course is to train individuals of public and private institutions on issues relating to Disaster Risk Management. Special emphasis is placed on the specific disaster profile of each region/province and issues relating to vulnerability and risk assessment, prevention, mitigation, preparedness, rehabilitation, reconstruction and legislation.

Disaster risk reduction in cities

Un anno di studi a Londra per conseguire un dottorato prestigioso

The creation or modification of urban built environments that are socially acceptable, economically affordable and environmentally sustainable, pose an immense challenge for architects, builders, engineers, planners and other professionals. There is an urgent need for radically new approaches to space formation and transformation and ways of working and creative engaging with design in order to respond to rapidly growing urban populations.For the first time in history, more than half of humankind lives in urban areas. While such urban growth is substantially transforming the planet, cities are shaped by liberalisation of policies and exogenous transformation marked lead forces that increment vulnerabilities of urban poor’s and marginalised communities.

per maggiori dettagli:

Diploma in Disaster Preparedness and Management

Il corso è organizzato dal Centre for Disaster Preparedness and Management (CDPM) ha durata e frequenza annuale. Rilascia diploma universitario finale

Outcome of the diploma programme: The programme is intended to train students to function as a disaster manager and carry out independent research on issues related to disaster preparedness and management.The objective of the diploma programme includes:

- To impart training and transfer knowledge to the faculty, students, staff of relevant departments and selected citizens in disaster risk reduction, preparedness, management and mitigation;
- To develop qualified human resource base in the subject;
- To produce knowledge base on disasters in Pakistan.

Course structure:

- Semester I: Four and a half months
- Semester II: Four and a half months
- Research Project: Three Months


Aperte le iscrizioni al Master di II° livello in Ingegneria dell'Emergenza

E' stato pubblicato il bando di partecipazione al Master di II° Livello in Ingegneria dell'Emergenza organizzato dall'Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Dipartimento d'Informatica e Sistemistica - Facoltà d'Ingegneria  in collaborazione con l'Istituto Superiore Antincendi del e Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco. Le domanda di ammissione dovranno pervenire all'Ente organizzatore entro il 22 dicembre 2009. Per maggiori dettagli leggere il bando in allegato all'articolo.


Le iscrizione al Master apriranno il 1° dicembre 2009.

Il 1 dicembre 2009 apriranno le iscrizioni dell'ottava edizione del Master di Primo Livello in Coordinamento delle Attività di Protezione Civile, offerto dal CESPRO (Centro di Studio delle Condizioni di Rischio e della Protezione Civile) dell'Università di Firenze, in cooperazione con il Servizio di Protezione Civile del Comune di Firenze e con Emergens, associazione per coordinatori di emergenza. Alla sua istituzione nel 2002 il corso fu il primo Master universitario nel settore in Italia.

Catastrofe a Foligno (PG), ma era solo una esercitazione per medici ed infermieri.

Conclusa con una prova pratica la giornata di studio sul tema 'La gestione della fase sanitaria di un disastro'

29 Ottobre 2009 - Ore 14.30: catastrofe (annunciata, trattandosi di una esercitazione) a Foligno. Una simulazione che ha coinvolto tra figuranti, nei panni delle le vittime, e operatori dell'emergenza circa 300 persone.

Multi-hazard risk assessment online course

Corso online in lingua inglese su tematiche multi-rischio in ambiente GIS

This distance education course deals with the procedures to collect, analyse and evaluate spatial information for risk assessment from natural and human-induced hazards (such as flooding, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, cyclones, forest fires, land degradation, and technological hazards). Risk is defined as the expected losses as a result of potentially damaging phenomena within a given time period, and within a given area.