‘LINKS’, a Project Funded by the European Commission, is Identifying Ways to Strengthen Disaster Resilience Through the Uses of Social Media and Crowdsourcing Technologies

The project brings together 15 participating organisations and 2 associated partners across Europe and beyond, to investigate how social media and crowdsourcing can be used in disaster management processes

LINKS ‘Strengthening links between technologies and society for European disaster resilience’ is a project financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Grant Agreement No. 883490). The aim of the project is to conduct a comprehensive study on the uses and impacts of social media and crowdsourcing (SMCS) for disaster management purposes, and to better understand the ways in which the different stakeholders can collaborate in these processes. The primary objectives of LINKS are twofold. The project is developing the LINKS Framework, comprised of methods, tools and guidelines for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers, in order to optimise the uses of SMCS in disaster management. The Framework will be evaluated across 5 different cases including earthquakes in Italy, flooding in Denmark, industrial hazards in the Netherland, and drought and terrorism in Germany.

Strong governance, reduced risks

Reducing climate change effects and risks in Bosnia and Herzegovina by identifying opportunities and turning knowledge into action

In March 2019 eight members of the Civil Protection Rescue Unit in the city of Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, were certified for water rescue - through the International Rafting Federation, Swiftwater and Whitewater Rescue Technician training. Equipped with high quality boats, suits, safety and other equipment, these are the people that you want responding next time a flood hits.

Strong governance = Resilience
We are witnessing the devastating effects of disasters. The aftermath proves that each country must act to make development efforts risk-informed and climate-smart. 

This year’s International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction is all about governance. You can measure good disaster risk governance in lives saved, reduced numbers of disaster-affected people, and reduced economic losses.

COVID-19 and the climate emergency are telling us that we need clear vision, comprehensive plans, and competent, empowered institutions acting on scientific evidence for the public good.



COVID-19: Emergency, Recovery and Improvement

Il Joint Reseach Centre della Commissione Europea, in collaborazione con l'University College di Londra, ha recentemente avviato uno studio a livello europeo per comprendere le percezioni, i bisogni e le priorità del pubblico interessato dall'emergenza del Coronavirus (COVID-19). Auspichiamo di identificare le carenze nella risposta, ed iniziale ripresa, dall'emergenza COVID-19 nonchè di fornire ai decisori politici una guida pratica basata sull'evidenza per mitigare ulteriori impatti sulla società ed economia. Il questionario è completamente anonimo e copre i paesi membri dell'UE e il Regno Unito.

Il sondaggio è accessibile all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/2xYmuwm

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito



Disaster risk reduction and security in the OSCE area: Project highlights

The OSCE implemented a two-year project (2015-2017) “Disaster Risk Reduction and Security in the OSCE Area” in South-Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) and Central Asia (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan), which aimed to improve disaster risk governance in municipalities and communities by providing assistance in development of local DRR plans, as well as increase public participation in preparation of plans and strengthen transboundary cooperation.

Strengthening preparedness for complex emergency situations

Led by the French Red Cross, the Multi-site Events Response and Coordinated Intervention (MERCI) project was launched in Paris on 1-2 March. It brings together partners from the Bulgarian Red Cross, the Italian Red Cross, the Spanish Red Cross, the Portuguese Red Cross and the Red Cross EU Office to assess the needs of responders, to analyse current knowledge, existing practices and tools, and to develop guidelines and adaptable operational protocols for the management of multi-site crises.

Floods, memories and resilience

What can we learn from studying people's flood memories? And how do these memories relate to resilience? A while ago, I had the opportunity to participate in a workshop at Northumbria University, UK, dedicated to “Concepts and Practices of Flood Management in the UK; Vietnam and the Global South”. Organised by political scientist Oliver Hensengerth, and sponsored by the British Academy’s Newton Fund, it brought together a number of people who spoke about different approaches to living with floods from different places in the world, particularly Vietnam and the UK. The juxtaposition of experiences from these two rather different places was in itself interesting, as were a lot of the other things we heard and discussed, including the additional challenges to water management that come with successful flood control in the Mekong Delta (as people get used to dry land, and as sedimentation decreases with controlled irrigation), or the ideas about knowledge and community that guide the flood risk management policy of the UK Environment Agency. 

Europe leads on resilient cultural heritage

TURIN, Italy, 22 February 2017 – Europe has launched a new drive to protect its heritage sites from the risk of disasters, an issue given added urgency by a string of earthquakes that wrecked age-old buildings in central Italy. The ResCult project, short for “Increasing Resilience of Cultural Heritage” and unveiled on Monday in the northern Italian city of Turin, offers a powerful means for civil protection departments, heritage ministries, local governments, European Union authorities, private investors and communities to work hand in hand on the issue.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Integrated methodology for flood hazard, risk maps

Within the framework of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Project „Technology transfer for climate resilient flood management in Vrbas River Basin", presentation of the first integrated methodology for development of flood hazard maps and risk maps in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was held in Sarajevo. This methodology as well as the maps to be based on it, represent one of the main tools in the flood risk management from the entity level to the local community.

European Commission launches Sendai Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction

The European Commission is launching today an Action Plan to promote disaster risk reduction and its integration in EU policies. A year ago, under the leadership of EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides, the EU played a key role in the negotiations of a new international framework for disaster risk reduction, adopted at the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan.