Quest'anno il Corpo forestale e il Ministero dell'Istruzione (MIUR) presentano due nuovi progetti nazionali destinati alle scuole.
1-"La scuola adotta il bosco" : rivolto alle scuole secondarie di secondo grado, in continuità con il progetto concluso lo scorso anno, ha l'obbiettivo di sensibilizzare gli studenti ai temi che riguardano la biodiversità del bosco e al rispetto degli ambienti naturali.
2-"I Magnifici 7" : rivolto alle scuole primarie e secondarie di primo grado. Si tratta di un progetto che ha lo scopo di approfondire, nell'ambito dell'ecosistema bosco, la conoscenza e la tutela degli animali e del territorio in cui vivono.   Come di consuetudine i concorsi prevedono, da parte delle Scuole, la partecipazione con elaborati finali che saranno oggetto di premiazione con un soggiorno presso una Riserva Naturale gestita dal Corpo forestale dello Stato.
L'iscrizione ai concorsi dovrà avvenire dal 16 dicembre 2011 al 30 gennaio 2012.

COP 17: Call for greater input by business and civil society

While there is no formal negotiating status for business and civil society at the UN climate change summit (COP-17) in Durban, Yannick Glemarec, head of finance and executive co-ordination at the United Nations Environmental Programme’s (UNEP’s) Global Environmental Facility, says 80% of the funds needed to deal with the effects of climate change will have to come from the private sector and households.

COP17 policy position paper on adaptation

Placing poor people and women at the centre of the world’s response to climate change

In this policy position paper for COP 17, CARE advocates for (i) pro-poor and gender-equitable approaches, and (ii) providing sufficient funding for and prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable people, for the adoption of lasting adaptation solutions in a changing climate. It states that at COP17 in Durban, Parties must deliver on the action items in the Cancun Agreements to continue operationalising the Adaptation Framework.

Via Libera al KYOTO 2

Il celeberrimo Protocollo di Kyoto avrà un allungamento della propria esistenza. Doveva terminare nel 2012, ma vivrà ancora minimo fino al 2017, per poi dare spazio, ad un nuovo patto globale sul clima, che diverrà operativo solo a partire dal 2020. Purtroppo i motivi del prolungamento non sono certo rassicuranti, infatti gli obiettivi prefissati, alla vigilia della originale scadenza, ovvero il 2012, risultano largamente disattesi.

COP17 panel discussion highlights Cape Town

being first city in S Africa granted role model status by UNISDR

A panel discussion held yesterday on the Climate Smart Cape Town Pavilion at COP17 highlighted Cape Town’s selection as the first city in South Africa to be granted role model status by the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). This status acknowledges the City of Cape Town’s engagement with the increasing risks associated with climate change impacts such as temperature and sea level rise, storm surges, erosion and economic and health impacts. On 11 May this year Cape Town joined 17 other cities around the world who have been awarded ‘Role Model City’ status by UNISDR, the UN office for Disaster Risk Reduction. It is also the second African city to be designated as a role model city by the UN; the first was St. Louis, Senegal.

'Invest today for a safer tomorrow'

South African President, Jacob Zuma, borrowed the UNISDR slogan “invest today for a safer tomorrow” when he spoke today at the opening of the Durban Local Government Convention which aims to develop an Adaptation Charter this weekend which will feed into the high-level segment of the UNFCCC-COP17 climate change negotiations. President Zuma said he was optimistic that there would be a good outcome from COP-17 but it required action on two crucial issues, a Second Commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol at the end of 2012, and “for Durban to be a success the Green Climate Fund agreed to in Cancun must be operationalised.”

Kofi Annan: Africa needs real support from COP-17

The Green Climate Fund must not only finance mitigation in advanced emerging countries. Adapting to the unavoidable consequences of climate change is vital to Africa’s future," says Kofi Annan for Business Day as the world will be watching the deliberations in Durban. "It requires the scaling up of effective and proven development programs. We must therefore put adaptation and, in particular, African agriculture at the heart of the fund," he continues.


COP-17: Plan devised for Sadc water management

The Southern African Development Community (Sadc), one of the regions whose water resources are most severely affected by extreme weather such as droughts and floods, launched a climate change adaptation strategy for its water sector at the COP-17 conference in Durban yesterday, according to the Business Day. "Lack of infrastructure to mitigate the impact of climate change and climate variability is a key factor that undermines the region’s ability to cope with disasters," said Sadc regional integration executive secretary Joao Caholo. The regional strategy proposes a 20-year plan to integrate water resources management .

COP17 panel discussion highlights Cape Town being first city in S Africa granted role model status by UNISDR

A panel discussion held yesterday on the Climate Smart Cape Town Pavilion at COP17 highlighted Cape Town’s selection as the first city in South Africa to be granted role model status by the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). This status acknowledges the City of Cape Town’s engagement with the increasing risks associated with climate change impacts such as temperature and sea level rise, storm surges, erosion and economic and health impacts. On 11 May this year Cape Town joined 17 other cities around the world who have been awarded ‘Role Model City’ status by UNISDR, the UN office for Disaster Risk Reduction. It is also the second African city to be designated as a role model city by the UN; the first was St. Louis, Senegal.

COP17/CMP7 President: Adaptation Framework is being constructed

From an organisational perspective, the conference is proceeding well. Discussions are proceeding as planned and the environment is conducive for constructive engagements.  I have held extensive formal and informal consultations with Parties in various settings prior to the commencement of this important Conference.  I intend to continue with these consultations in an open and transparent way as the negotiations progress, not only to keep Parties fully informed, but also for myself to get a sense of where special attention is required before it becomes a problem. Durban can take two central, decisive steps to make the world more climate-resilient and to put it on a low-carbon path.