Haiti: Celebrating the International Day for Disaster Reduction 2015 - Cooperazione Internazionale

Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) in Haiti is celebrating the International Day for Disaster Reduction 2015 in strict collaboration with its local partner AGERCA (Alliance for Disaster Management and Business Continuity committee) and the CTESP (Comité thématique d’éducation et de sensibilisation du public). COOPI’s projects on Disaster Reduction are funded by the European Community Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) and the US Agency for International Development (OFDA/USAID).


Activities’ description:

Debate: « connaissance pour la vie » (Knowledge for life)- COOPI will participate with two interventions (one with a team member, the other with a beneficiary) on experiences, local knowledge and traditional practices regarding DRR. The objective is to share information and parallelism between Haiti and other countries in the Americas (Peru, etc.), as well as among traditional and new technologies. The event will be open to nearly 150 people, under invitation. It will be filmed by the TNH (National TV Chanel) and broadcasted for a larger audience on October 16 (time to be determined).

Competition: « Yon kit byen vit » organized by AGERCA and COOPI in coordination with CTESP: three vulnerable families (children and pregnant women) who are beneficiaries of the Dipecho’s project (Hip 2014/2016), will be invited by COOPI in a public market to buy the necessary items for an emergency kit. This activity is in partnership with Handicap International (they will bring three families with handicap members) and HelpAge (they will bring three families with elderlies).

Hashtags to use and follow: #JIPC2015 #Haiti


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