DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT: Climate Change Adaptation in Europe and Central Asia

This paper reviews the current knowledge on the implications of climate change for extreme weather and analyzes the ability of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries to mitigate and manage the impact of extreme events such as drought, heat waves, hurricanes, floods, forest fires and landslides. It recommends a variety of measures in the areas of financial and fiscal policy, disaster risk mitigation, and emergency preparedness and management to reduce current and future vulnerabilities. The goals of this paper are to (i) present forecasts on how climate change will affect weather-related hazards, their secondary effects and the impacts the extreme hydrometeorological phenomena will have on the countries of Europe and Central Asia and (ii) provide an overview of measures to mitigate and manage these risks. It also calls to build on and expand existing disaster risk management efforts and highlights the importance of investing in "win-win" options. This paper is a product of the Sustainable Development Department, Europe and Central Asia Region. It aims to be an effort to develop an analytical framework for sector and country dialog on climate change adaptation. It serves as a sectoral background note for the regional report Adapting to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia.



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