Diploma in disaster risk management

A comprehensive diploma course in disaster risk management is being offered by Preston University in order to develop a pool of professionally trained manpower, which will possess knowledge and skills in this field. The principal aim of this Diploma Course is to train individuals of public and private institutions on issues relating to Disaster Risk Management. Special emphasis is placed on the specific disaster profile of each region/province and issues relating to vulnerability and risk assessment, prevention, mitigation, preparedness, rehabilitation, reconstruction and legislation.

Target Audience

All interested in providing public /social services to the masses and communities.

Employees of:
-Federal / Provisional Government Organizations, Corporations, Local Government Institutions etc.
-Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
-Public Administration Department or Relief Agencies working in the field of Disasters.
-Applicant with background in Disaster Management or similar work experience will be given preference in selection.

Admission Requirement
Graduates in any subject, from public or private universities or degree awarding institutions recognized by HEC.



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