Emergency administration and planning

Organizzato dall'Università del Texas è un programma di studi universitario con rilascio di diploma di laurea

The Bachelor of Science program in Emergency Administration and Planning offers an innovative curriculum emphasizing professional competency for undergraduates interested in a career in the emergency and disaster management fields.

The six core courses equip majors with the basic knowledge in emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Electives enrich this core competency with additional courses in technological applications, international disasters, the needs of special populations in disasters, and the complex interaction between terrorism and disaster management. All pre-career students also complete an internship that prepares them for a full-time appointment. EADP majors also benefit from an operational Emergency Operations Center (EOC) that serves as a state-of-the-art laboratory for experiential learning.

Contact:Emergency Administration and Planning Program
Department of Public Administration, University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle, #310617 - Denton TX 76203-5017
Tel: +1 9405652165 - Email: eadp@unt.edu

EADP Program Coordinator: Dr. James M. Kendra
EADP Academic Advising: David Hermann

per maggiori dettagli: http://www.pacs.unt.edu/public-administration/content/emerge.....

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