Materiale Tecnico

Prendendo spunto dal modello del Ciclo del Disastro, composto dalle azioni: prevenzione, preparazione, soccorso, recupero, ripristino, in un'ottica di mitigazione e costruzioni di sistemi/comunità resilienti, in questa parte del sito vengono presentati, suddivisi per argomenti, tutti quegli approfondimenti tecnici che possono essere utili per una formazione permanente ed un approfondimento delle tematiche di proprio interesse.

UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction (2009)

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The UNISDR Terminology aims to promote common understanding and common usage of disaster risk reduction concepts and to assist the disaster risk reduction efforts of authorities, practitioners and the public. The previous version "Terminology: Basic terms of disaster risk reduction" was published in "Living with risk: a global review of disaster risk reduction initiatives" in 2004. The following year, the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 requested the UNISDR secretariat to "update and widely disseminate international standard terminology related to disaster risk reduction, at least in all official United Nations languages, for use in programme and institutions development, operations, research, training curricula and public information programmes".

Rio: Building community resilience for resilient cities - driving the local Implementation of the HFA

This event, held as part of the World Urban Forum in Rio, examined how local governments are partnering with communities to promote the building of resilient cities
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Sponsored by, The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, UN-HABITAT, EMI and Huairou Commission, this event featured five local authorities from Bolivia, Ecuador, Philippines, and Brazil and two grassroots women leaders from Jamaica and Peru, members of GROOTS International and the Huairou Commission.