SEI-Stockholm Environment Institute


SEI’s mission is to support decision-making and induce change towards sustainable development around the world by providing integrative knowledge that bridges science and policy in the field of environment and development.

Disaster Reduction Goal

Our disaster reduction goal is to improve understanding of how risks are created and how they accumulate, recognising that disaster risk, climate change and development are closely interlinked.

We are seeking to better integrate disaster risk reduction with equitable, sustainable and resilient development by transforming the relationship between development and DRR.

Policies and Programmes in DRR

The SEI Initiative on Transforming Development and Disaster Risk is a focal point for SEI’s current DRR-related work, and is expected to have an impact on international and regional efforts by identifying the underlying causes of vulnerability and drivers of risk, and to strengthen adaptive capacity and build resilience.

Longer-term (5-10 years) recovery following major disasters in the Asia Pacific Region: Lessons for resilient development, is a project undertake a critical analysis of the longer-term recovery process in five selected disaster case studies, to generate insights that will improve our understanding of the types of transformations required in at-risk societies in order to become more resilient.

The Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) Disability and Disasters: Empowering People and Building Resilience to Risk (2015-2017) project is researching the challenges that people with disabilities (PWDs) face in disaster response in order to identify platforms for inclusion and empowerment, and solutions for mainstreaming disability-inclusive DRR (DiDRR) into development planning.

Membership in Key Networks

SEI is a member of -
- Ecosystems for Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR).
- Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI).
- Gender and Disaster Network (GDN).
- Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN).

Disaster Risk Reduction Focal Point(s)

Dr. Frank Thomalla

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