Participatory learning approaches for resilience: bringing conflict sensitivity, disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation together

Ibrahim, Maggie; Midgley, Tim
Number of pages: 27 p.
This paper provides planning tools for promoting resilience in development programming and shares case studies from Honduras. It captures the different participatory learning approaches (PLA) for holistic risk reduction from across conflict sensitivity (CS), disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA). PLA tools combine sharing insights with analysis, and provide a catalyst for the community to act on what is uncovered. In order to develop a holistic VCA approach for resilience programming, a range of commonly used processes and toolkits from CS, DDR, and CCA were reviewed, and the specific tools within each identified. These have been clustered together into five categories: hazards and trends, livelihood, power, root causes, and scenario and action planning. Guiding questions that could be applied are available to help community facilitators develop a solid understanding of the key drivers of conflict, risk and vulnerability without having to repeat the same or similar tools with the same communities several times.

This document is part of a series of five addressing the changing risks and weak governance systems people are facing, and presents World Vision UK's way of doing development programming in order to promote resilience. On the occasion of the disaster risk reduction day, they intend to bring attention to this transformation agenda – resilience programming for empowerment and equity of the people we serve – including children, men, women and people with disabilities. These five key publications were developed based on World Vision UK's experience working with people in high risk locations to share with colleagues, academics and donors in order to move the resilience in practice debate forward.