COP21: Efforts advance on reaching climate change agreement, says top UN official

A new stage in the development of a final agreement on climate change to limit global temperature rise to below two degrees Celsius or less has been reached today, according to the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General on Climate Change.“All the delegations have received the documents, they’re reading them, they will be discussing the paper in their groups, and then there will be feedback provided to a new plenary organized this evening,” said Janos Pasztor in an interview with the UN News Service on the sidelines of the United Nations climate change conference (COP21).

Resilience in focus at COP21

Delegates at the COP21 global climate summit have thrown the spotlight on resilience, a central issue in international efforts to reduce the risk of disasters and face up to growing environmental challenges.“Resilience is a key word in this COP 21,” Ms. Ségolène Royal, France’s Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy told a special conference session. “Resilience was invented by psychologists and was defined as an individual's ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity. Stress and adversity can come from family or relationship problems, health problems, or workplace and financial worries, among others and it is no wonder why we use it now for climate change, as millions of people suffer every year from the negative impacts of floods, storms and cyclones,” she said.

COP21: UN chief launches initiative to build climate resilience of world’s most vulnerable countries

On the opening day of the United Nations climate change conference (COP21), dozens of announcements were made in Paris by Governments and leaders of the public and private sectors, all aiming to generate climate solutions and build a sustainable future.A new initiative to build climate resilience in the world’s most vulnerable countries was launched by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and 13 agencies of the UN system.

21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and 11th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol


The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted in 1992 and has since been ratified by 195 Parties. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997 to implement the UNFCCC and entered into force in 2005. It laid down targets for the reduction or limitation of greenhouse gas emissions only in developed countries and transition economies. In 2007, the Parties initiated work aimed at drawing up a post-2012 climate agreement, applicable to all emitters of greenhouse gases.


The Copenhagen political accord of 2009, the Conferences of Cancun (2010), Durban (2011) and Doha (2012) laid the foundations of this new international regime, supplementing the existing instruments in the framework of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. In 2011, the Parties affirmed their will to conclude this new climate agreement in 2015, with entry into force planned for 2020. In accordance with the internal rules of the UNFCCC, providing for an annual rotation by UN regional group, the hosting of the 2015 Summit should be provided by a Western European country.

In September 2012, French President François Hollande announced France’s candidacy to host this major event in 2015. It will be the 21st Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC and the 11th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs, confirmed this candidacy during the Doha Conference in December 2012. It was endorsed by our regional group at the UN, the WEOG, on 12 April 2013, opening the way for official designation during the Warsaw COP in November 2013.

In order to prepare this Conference under the best conditions, France has chosen to hold it in Paris, at the Paris-Le Bourget site, which has the best hosting and accessibility capacities for official delegations, as well as civil society and the media, which are essential components of the Conference’s success.

France has chosen to make this Conference exemplary in terms of environmental impact. It will implement a programme of action aimed at keeping to a minimum the impact of the meeting in terms of consumption of natural resources (water, waste, energy) and greenhouse gas emissions.

What are the challenges facing COP 21 CMP 11 in 2015?

The meeting will mark a decisive stage in negotiations on the future international agreement on a post-2020 regime, and will, as agreed in Durban, adopt the major outlines of that regime. By the end of the meeting, for the first time in over 20 years of UN negotiations, all the nations of the world, including the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, will be bound by a universal agreement on climate. In order for the agreement to come into effect in 2020, at the end of the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, subsequent COP meetings will work on finalising its details. The Presidency of the COP plays a vital role, not only during the actual COP meeting (in reality, a series of meetings held in parallel over a two-week period), but also in the organisation of a number of meetings held in preparation for the COP.


Warming trend continues in 2014

14 of 15 Hottest Years Have Been in 21st Century

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has ranked 2014 as the hottest year on record, as part of a continuing trend. After consolidating leading international datasets, WMO noted that the difference in temperature between the warmest years is only a few hundredths of a degree – less than the margin of uncertainty.  Average global air temperatures over land and sea surface in 2014 were 0.57 °C (1.03°F) above the long-term average of 14.00°C (57.2 °F) for the 1961-1990 reference period. By comparison, temperatures were 0.55 °C (1.00°F) above average in 2010 and 0.54°C (0.98°F) above average in 2005, according to WMO calculations. The estimated margin of uncertainty was 0.10°C (0.18°F). 

S.A.U.R.O – Sea Antipollution Unit for Rapid Off-shore drainage

Dispositivo anti-inquinamento in mare: firmato accordo Marina Militare - Dipartimento della Protezione Civile

Da tempo la Difesa mette a disposizione della tutela ambientale le proprie eccellenze: da oggi Marina Militare e Dipartimento della Protezione Civile sono impegnati a studiare e sviluppare un dispositivo per le bonifiche delle acque marine da rifiuti solidi e liquidi. S.A.U.R.O – Sea  Antipollution Unit for Rapid Off-shore drainage, questo il nome del dispositivo - è stato brevettato dal Dipartimento della Protezione Civile ed è stato ideato per contribuire a rendere più semplici le operazioni di recupero di inquinanti e rifiuti dispersi in mare, essendo in grado di separare e recuperare rifiuti solidi e liquidi.

UN General Assembly and Climate Summit: Switzerland advocates for more security, UN reforms and climate protection

The President of the Swiss Confederation, Didier Burkhalter, will present the key areas of Switzerland's foreign policy in the framework of the UN at the opening of the general debate of the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in New York (24-26 September). He will also be present at the three events co-organised by Switzerland, participate in other events on current topics and hold bilateral talks. A climate summit, at which Switzerland will be represented by Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard, will take place on 23 September prior to the opening of the general debate. In keeping with tradition, the 69th session of the UN General Assembly will begin with what is known as a high-level week in New York attended by numerous heads of state and government as well as ministers of the UN member states. An important component of this ministerial week is the opening of the general debate of the General Assembly on 24 September 2014.

Estate 2014, naso all’insù per il triplice appuntamento con la Superluna

Tra le attrazioni naturali che il nostro territorio offre a turisti e cittadini, questa estate ci sarà anche una luna speciale a dare manforte a serate di speriamo sereno e cielo limpido.Il fenomeno, chiamato della Super Luna, è un evento astronomico, noto e piuttosto usuale (spettacolare quello recente del 19 marzo 2011), dovuto alla traiettoria disegnata dal nostro satellite e percorsa attorno alla Terra. Nel suo moto di rivoluzione ellittico, la Luna attraversa due punti: l’apogeo, quello in cui si trova più distante dalla Terra, ed il perigeo, quello in cui si trova più vicina. La differenza tra i due punti è di poco più di 50.000 km, una differenza che anche ad occhio nudo risulta apprezzabile.


Impiegata per la prima volta in Italia la tecnica della spettrofotometria di fluorescenza con raggi X portatile

A seguito di un esposto risalente al 2013, presentato alla Procura della Repubblica di Arezzo da alcuni cittadini di Quarata (AR), il personale del Corpo forestale dello Stato e dell' Arpat di Arezzo, ha individuato e sequestrato 10 siti dove erano stati sepolti rifiuti speciali pericolosi e non pericolosi. Le indagini sono sono state effettuate in collaborazione con l' Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia di Roma anche con l'ausilio di un geomagnetometro.
Gli accertamenti hanno portato a eseguire alcuni sondaggi con un escavatore, dai quali è emersa la presenza di notevoli quantità di rifiuti interrati a varie profondità, in alcuni casi fino a 10 metri, appartenenti a varie tipologie: rifiuti edilizi provenienti da demolizioni quali travi e colonne di prefabbricati in cemento armato, profilati metallici in lamiera, mattoni, mattonelle, porzioni di asfalto, lastre in cemento, tubi in piombo e in plastica, fili e cavi in ferro, forassiti per impianti elettrici, lana di vetro, filtri per olio da auto, barattoli di latta di olio per auto, pneumatici, camere d'aria, taniche in plastica, parti meccaniche di autoveicoli, bombole del gas, fusti in metallo, accumulatori di batteria d'auto; rifiuti urbani quali buste in plastica, stracci, bottiglie in plastica e in vetro, barattoli; rifiuti ospedalieri quali tubi plastici per flebo e trasfusioni, contenitori per medicinali, cappucci per aghi, bottiglie contenenti capsule medicinali, fusti contenenti fanghi e idrocarburi.


Dal 2005 ad oggi la superficie forestale è aumentata di 600.000 ettari.Le regioni in cui si è osservato il maggiore incremento di superficie boscata sono quelle dell'Italia centrale e meridionale

L'avanzata dei boschi italiani prosegue. La stima provvisoria della superficie forestale complessiva, comprensiva delle altre terre boscate (arbusteti, boscaglie e formazioni rade) è pari a 10,9 milioni di ettari, con un aumento rispetto al 2005 di oltre 600.000 ettari. Queste le prime stime del terzo Inventario Nazionale delle Foreste e dei serbatoi forestali di Carbonio (INFC). Tali dati sono già stati utilizzati dal Ministero dell'Ambiente per la rendicontazione finale degli impegni previsti dal Protocollo di Kyoto nell'ambito della Convenzione Quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui Cambiamenti Climatici (UNFCC).