2016 Annual Global Climate and Catastrophe Report

This report evaluates the impact of worldwide natural disaster events during the last 12 months to promote awareness and enhance resilience. The report reveals that there were 315 natural catastrophe events in 2016 that generated economic losses of USD210 billion. For historical context, 2016 was the seventh highest year on record with the combined economic loss exceeding the USD200 billion threshold for the first time since 2013.

Preparedness Map for Community Resilience: Earthquakes

This manual presents Japanese Seismic Preparedness Maps, one of the tools used in Japan to communicate earthquake risks for better preparedness at the community level.The intended audience of this handbook is government officials and practitioners working in seismic risk management, community-based disaster risk management, risk communications, and related areas who are responsible for preparing communities for the next big seismic event.

Assessing community disaster resilience using a balanced scorecard: lessons learnt from three Australian communities

This paper avaluates how the use of a community disaster resilience scorecard can contribute to building community disaster resilience. In 2012, the Torrens Resilience Institute (TRI) developed a balanced Scorecard for communities to assess their disaster resilience using an all-hazards approach.

The Sendai Framework: A catalyst for the transformation of disaster risk reduction through adaptive governance?

This discussion brief examines how elements of adaptive governance appear in the Sendai Framework, and how they might support transformative change in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The document analyses the elements of adaptive governance aspects that are built into the Sendai Framework, and how they could serve as a catalyst for transforming DRR.

Disaster resilience of small to mid-size businesses on New Orleans historic corridors

This publication presents the disaster preparedness and resilience assessment of 208 businesses located in six historic commercial corridors within New Orleans in the United States of America. The six corridors were selected by the City of New Orleans Office of Resilience and Sustainability (ORS) and the assessment was conducted by AECOM, an engineering company, under a contract from the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), and in partnership with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).

Planning and flood risk

This briefing paper sets out the United Kingdom government's planning policy on flooding in England. The Government’s National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the accompanying online Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) on Flood Risk and Coastal Change sets “sequential” and “exemption” tests and thresholds to protect property from flooding which all local planning authorities (LPAs) are expected to follow.

If numbers can speak, who listens?

Creating engagement and learning for effective uptake of DRR investment in developing countries

With a renewed emphasis on evidence-based risk sensitive investment promoted under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, technical demands for analytical tools such as probabilistic cost-benefit analysis (CBA) will likely increase in the foreseeable future.

Disaster risk reduction for community resilience

A synthesis of lessons from more than a decade of disaster risk reduction programming

This publication is a synthesis of lessons from more than a decade of Concern Worldwide’s disaster risk reduction (DRR) programming in the area of community resilience. Based on research in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Haiti, Mozambique, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Zambia, Niger, and Ethiopia, this publication describe Concern’s approach to DRR and community resilience and offers lessons and guidance on how to use DRR to build resilience.