Using strategic narratives to help integrate CCA & DRR


Join us for a two-day workshop to explore the development and use of strategic narratives to integrate climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) communities. Integration will help to enhance resilience to weather-related extreme events, decrease intervention costs and promote effective actions.  

Attendees: Practitioners, policymakers, scientists and professionals in CCA or DRR

Participants will benefit from:

  • learning about the characteristics and context for using strategic narratives in CCA and DRR

  • an insight into terminology and framings that can influence narratives

  • experience with tools to support the use of narratives for collaboration.

The work of the CCA and DRR communities overlap, often framing risks and solutions differently which results in divergences in policy and planning processes. For example, CCA professionals deal with wildfires through adapting nature-based management, while DRR professionals use early warning communication tools and fire suppression actions to limit the impacts. Better collaboration between CCA and DRR can be complementary and mutually beneficial, decreasing the costs of intervention, improving decision-making and increasing the effectiveness of action.

At PLACARD, we believe that strategic narratives can play an important role in fostering this collaboration. Narratives, or learning through stories, have the potential to encourage specific actions and bring together different communities. Strategic narratives aim for a change to specific desired and sustained behaviour as shown in a number of scientific studies. However, the understanding is fragmented and not yet demonstrated in the fields of CCA and DRR.

Our workshop is part of an ongoing process to explore the potential of strategic narratives.

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