Building resilience in a changing climate

"We need to integrate the full range of risk management approaches from better preparedness and response to long-term disaster risk reduction. Such a holistic approach recognizes that climate change adaptation and mitigation responses are closely linked and involve multiple sectors, stakeholders and environmental and socioeconomic issues. Strengthening community safety also requires the use of scientifically robust information; however this information is rarely tailored to the needs of the humanitarian community. We must also ensure that vulnerable people are provided with free, timely access to the information they need so as to enhance their own adaptive capacity," writes senior officer for climate change mitigation at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Meinrad Bürer on the pages of Devex.

Mr Bürer proposes to forge innovative partnerships between different actors and experts in the field of climate change and disaster risk reduction and highlights a side event co-hosted by IFRC at the Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction where participants will share experiences and lessons relevant to building community resilience in a changing climate.

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