WMO at Rio+20

Industrialization, population growth and increased demand for food and energy are straining our planet’s limited natural resources. Climate change and environmental degradation are likely to place even further pressure on our ecosystems.The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), in Brazil on 20–22 June 2012, aims to secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development and to address new and emerging challenges to achieve “The Future We Want".

Weather, climate and water affect all areas of human activity. The delivery of tailor-made weather, climate and water services is increasingly needed to ensure food security, improved water management, disaster risk reduction and better health. Other climate- sensitive socio-economic sectors, such as energy, transport, tourism and urban planning, benefit from such services.Accurate and timely weather analyses and predictions, with climate predictions in the coming decades, will further improve human safety, prosperity and livelihood and preserve precious natural resources to the benefit of the global community, especially the most vulnerable.This is the rationale behind the Global Framework for Climate Services which WMO and its partners are developing and which WMO will promote at the Rio+20 conference. Sustainable development holds the promise for a better future for all.

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