OCHA strategic plan 2014–2017

This plan sets out the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) major objectives for the next four years. It includes the 2014 and 2015 plan and budget, which translates these major objectives into specific actions and resource requests for the next two years. The plan has been prepared in response to persistent global challenges: the growing economic inequality and vulnerability due to global trends such as climate change and urbanization; the failure of political processes to end conflict; and inadequate prioritization and investment in disaster risk reduction. 

It recognizes the need for humanitarian sector to adapt to address these challenges and commits to ensure that relevant priorities reflected in the post-2015 development and disaster risk reduction agendas inform and mutually reinforce the priorities set out in the humanitarian agenda, to be determined through the World Humanitarian Summit process.  The overall plan focuses on three key goals: (i) improving field effectiveness; (ii) diversifying OCHA's partnerships to enable a more flexible and agile response by a wider network of humanitarian actors; and (iii) strengthening OCHA's capability by improving its management, performance and accountability.



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